
At Conroy Baker Ltd, we have a vast network of experienced management professionals who are available to help businesses grow by providing Part-time Director services.

Our management consultants challenge executives to think differently when developing an international market strategy, to position their company for success in a new market. Looking at the big picture, asking the tough questions, and advising senior executives to head off or overcome the international business challenges facing them.

Our Mission

We help our clients identify their business and financial needs.

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Duis id tellus non leo porta ultricies efficitur non nunc. Suspendisse venenatis, lacus ac aliquam mollis, nisl risus maximus lectus, vitae faucibus lacus ante vel diam. Sed lectus purus, lobortis eu aliquet at, ullamcorper sed.

Our Values.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula.

Customer first

Vestibulum ante ipsum


Fusce at magna eget


Quisque mattis ornare


Duis consectetur ultrices

Book a personal consultation.

We will take care of your documentation and immigration services.