According to UK Labour Market Statistics report for the period ending in 2022 the number of people in employment was 32.78 million, and the employment rate was 75.6%, up from 75.5% in the previous quarter. The UK unemployment rate was 3.7%, and while unemployment levels have risen in the last quarter they have fallen over the last year, and were 131,000 below their pre-pandemic levels. UK offers various work visa options for applicants willing to come to UK to work.

UK nationality obtained through Naturalisation

To become a citizen of the UK, you must submit an application to the Home Office through the British Naturalisation process, unless you are of British ancestry.

With British citizenship, you are free to live and work in the UK without being subject to immigration regulations, apply for a British passport, and vote.

You must include evidence in your naturalisation application that you meet the requirements for naturalisation; otherwise, your application will be rejected and your application cost won’t be refunded.

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Registration to become a British citizen

You are typically regarded as a British citizen if you were born in the UK before January 1, 1983, and you are not required to submit an application to register your citizenship. You can apply for a British passport to use as identification.

If you were born in the UK on January 1, 1983, or later, and one of your parents was a citizen or had already established residency there, you should be automatically granted citizenship and be able to apply for a passport.

However, you could need to register as British if you were born on or after January 1, 1983, are under 18 years, and one of your parents has since become a British citizen, got a visa to live permanently in the UK, or you lived in the UK until you were at least 10 years old.

Apply for your first British passport

You can apply for a British passport once you have obtained UK citizenship. This document will allow you to prove that you are a UK citizen after Registration or Naturalisation.

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