Family of British citizens & Settled Persons consultants

If an applicant is outside of the EEA (European Economic Area) or Switzerland, they must apply under the ‘family of a settled person’ visa if they are looking to join their partner or family member who is living in the UK permanently, for 6 months or more.

While the time required for processing can depend on the case details, the normal visa processing time for such applications is 12 weeks.

Our UK Settlement Visa consultants are located in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chandigarh and London. They can provide you with all the information on how you can apply for this type of visa successfully. The ‘family of a settled person’ visa allows the visa holder to work or even take up course to study. Keep in mind that you are not allowed to work in the UK with a Fiance Visa.

By virtue of being a family member of a person settled in the UK, one can apply for a UK Visa under the following categories:

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